Does CBD have Neuroprotective properties?
In recent years, scientists and CBD enthusiasts have dedicated a lot of their time and resources to research and study this non-psychoactive compound. So far, the results are impeccable and nothing close to what they had imagined. In fact, scientists affirm that CBD has a lot more in store and they are hopeful that the compound will massively revolutionize the world of medicine in the near future. How exactly will it do this? This is one of the questions this article seeks to answer.
Reception of CBD as Medicine Around the World
The use of CBD as medicine has sparked widespread interest from many communities across the globe. The United States has recently rescheduled CBD from a schedule 1 substance to a schedule 5 substance, getting it one step closer to federal legalization. A company GW Pharmaceuticals recently released an FDA approved drug to treat two severe childhood-onset epilepsies, which contains CBD as a primary compound. Britain is coming close to legalizing Cannabis as a whole for medicinal purpose.T
The journey to classifying CBD as medicine has been long and tedious. Apart from the pressure of activists, health lobby groups and patients, it’s without a doubt that the U.S and British governments saw the sobering effects of CBD and its immense benefits to the people who use it. The results backed by numerous scientific research organizations show promising results and indicate that the use of CBD for medical purposes is the way forward.
CBD Health Benefits
CBD effectively treats and manages various ailments and health conditions that reduce our productivity as humans regardless of our occupation. Such ailments and conditions include anxiety, chronic pain, PTSD, diabetes, epilepsy, IBS, migraines, alcoholism, and smoking. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, an anti-seizure compound, which is how it’s able to positively affect such a wide range of conditions. The American Epilepsy Society advocates for the use of CBD for epilepsy patients due to its anti-seizure properties and complete lack of side effects, something that cannot be said of many pharmaceutical drugs. There’s enough evidence to suggest that those who suffer from seizures and use CBD experience 40%fewer seizures.
CBD as a Neuroprotective Compound
CBD also acts as a neuroprotective compound. It reduces damage to the nervous system and the brain, and at the same time encourages the development and growth of neurons. Permanent or temporary neural damage can be a result of several factors which include:
• Genetic disorders
• Autoimmune disorders
• Traumatic blows
• Oxidative stress resulting from oxidative stress
The benefits of using CBD to improve recovery and protect against such damage have not gone unnoticed. CBD is therapeutically beneficial for strokes, traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord diseases and injuries; chiropractors are widely advocating for its use. CBD’s neuroprotective properties also show promising results in limiting progression and helping prevent neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Although more research is essential, evidence so far suggests that CBD can be used to minimize cell and neural damage and at the same time encourage healing. Currently, several companies like Farmacy Bliss offer CBD products. To know more about these products and their immense health benefits, visit