Be Financially Prepared for your Egress Installation in 2020
Home improvements are NOT cheap. Being educated as a contractor and supplier we know that windows and egress systems are one of the most expensive projects that you can do to your home.
You’re young adult child just finished college and they realized that the promise of a job after graduation fell flat. This recent grad has to live somewhere and Mom and Dad’s basement is looking like the only option.
If that isn’t annoying enough, you know that you are going to have to redo the basement so it’s at least livable. After a good bit of research you realize that you need to keep the basement up to code since you’ll be turning the basement into a bedroom. You know you need to give a means of egress, or escape, in case there is a fire.
This means permits, construction, the cost of an egress well system, which will include a ladder, window, well, the labor and materials and everything else. This isn’t looking cheap.
That’s because it’s not and you want to be prepared financially and we’re going to show you how to be prepared financially.
Step 1: Do the Research
We don’t know why homeowners choose contractors the same way they choose car insurance (cheapest possible). It seems like people are so confused on how to choose a contractor to install their egress system that they just end up going with the absolute cheapest person in town. This is probably the worst idea possible. If you want an egress system that will leak, have structural issues and not open properly then go for the cheapest egress system. However, it will cost you big time in the long run. We recommend doing your research.
You spent 6 weeks planning the landscaping around your house. You choose the specific bushes that would thrive in certain areas of your home due to the angle of the sun at certain times of the day. But when it comes to a contractor to choose a egress system you did no research. Do the research and save money doing it right the first time.
Find a reputable contractor in the area who is known for installing egress systems. This can be done in 30 seconds using Google then call them for a written estimate.
Step 2: Stick to the Plan
You’ve done all of the research. You’ve picked out the egress window, the egress window well, the ladder and all of the extras to make the egress system perfect. You’ve done your preliminary research to make sure that you found the best contractor in the area who can install the system and not the project is underway!
This is when people get buyer’s remorse and want to make changes. It’s very common to think that you’ve made a bad decision or want additional changes once the project has started. Now is NOT the time to switch from a economy well to a premium well. Unless you want to pay big time for it.
One of the best ways to blow your budget for the egress window installation project is to make changes once the project is underway. This can cost you big time.
Stick to the plan, which includes the allocated budget.
Step 3: Prepare for Emergencies
Just like any contractor, an egress window well installer doesn’t know what they are getting into until they start getting their hands dirty. When an egress window installer gives an estimate they do not know the condition of your foundation, they don’t know what is under the ground etc. 95% of the time the quote will remain the same since most contractors plan for uncommon expenses and additional work. However, sometimes there are unforeseen issues that need to be addressed.
This is why we recommend you plan for these issues and save an additional 10–20% of the total project cost for these unforeseen expenses.